Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Cape Hatteras Report 4/1 - 2

here's the whole story of this weekend...haul the boat down there Friday night...get there oh..around 630 or so....check into our hotel (Hatteras Marlin) which was totally awesome by the way...pull the boat down to Teaches Lair and put it in the lot across the way...lots of room...We have a few beers that night...well Otter had more than a few..lol...and hit the rack...I held revelee on everybody at 0400.....we're on the road by five with no breakfast.....get down to teaches and lauch the boat...tie up until one of the charters goes out so we can follow them and get a good track for the inlet....well...on a side note...no other boats launched that morning (hum)....winds blowing about 15 - 20 out of the southwest....figure it won't be toooo bad.....Well..the Marlin mania finally pulls lines at 0600 so we saddle in behind her and follow through the inlet. Inlet isn't too bad..probably 4 - 5 swells coming in so we handle that with no problems....there's already about 5 or 6 big boys already through the inlet from other marina's so we get in formation and follow them out..not bad 4 - 5 footers...southport was eating it up....we appear to be heading out to the rock pile so we run for about 45 minutes to an hour and notice it getting steadily bigger as the run goes on...probably 5 - 7 with a good steady 20 - 25 knot wind....get into some warm water and drop lines along with a few other charter boys and start trolling....within an hour of trolling the wind had kicked up to a steady 30 - 35 Kt SW wind with gust at or above 40...seas pick up to at least 8 - 10 with some bigger swells in the mix....everybody is kinda quiet as we troll through these mountains of water...finally when we start seeing breakers higher than my boat I make the call to pull lines and head in as the forecast called for worsening conditions that afternoon....quiet run back in....as Don said...everybody was getting right with god as we had no clue with the inlet was going to look like...We get back inshore to colder water and it was much better inshore...probably 3 - 5 again....inlet was fine coming back in so we all breathed a sigh of relief and put the boat back on the trailer and went back to the room....Don, Mike and Dustin all had a beer, ate a sandwich and crashed out..it was only like 11Am at this time...Sunday morning conditions are much better..we all excited about the day...we hooked up with Todd30 night before and he met us at the ramp...Megabite and his crew had already left by this time....well Todd is going to follow us through the inlet as he hadn't been out before...we all pull lines and get ready to leave Teaches lair again and Todd calls on the radio telling us his Motor was shot...so he has to pull back out and head back up to Richmond ! Sucks..but probably for the best as the inlet was especially angry that morning...It was the first time My boat had ever been stood vertical like that...giant swells rolling in the mouth of the inlet with breakers in the mix...but we get through it....head out to the stream and find awesome spot.....Megabite was already there working it...don't know if he had any luck or not but it sure looked good...birds...seaweed and warm water..not a knockdown...and that's pretty much the way it went all day for us....Don did manage to pull in a Puffer Fish that somehow found our hook and decided to snag himself....that was pretty funny....We pulled lines at around 115 Pm or so as we had a long ride back to VaBeach with no fish......sea conditions were probably 3 -5 may be slightly bigger...Had a great time despite lack of pullage.....Wondering how Jason, Keith and crew did...Oh yea...we went on Gradyman's new boat and had a beer...what a beautiful 38Rampage...that beast is rigged for some serious fishing for sure...congrats on that purchase.....I believe he was also out there Sunday..we were the only knuckleheads out there on Saturday for some rason !....lol......


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