Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Blue Marlin release 29 July 2007 Waynes World

Pulled out of Owls creek little late 0500...had my GPS set for the 44 Fathom wreck to start fishing...about 10 miles short of the mark I spot a pod of porpoise so I pull back the throttles and Steady, Otter and Captain Fatbeard put start putting out lines.....the WWB was out, steady was letting out the 2nd long rigger when the first long rigger gets hammers.....then the WWB gets hammered but gets cut off....Jeff is on the fish that came tight and skillfully battled the 62# YFT to the boat where Otter sticks a gaff in him.....Get reset out and about 20 minutes later the left long rigger...(G&H sea witch with Mylar) gets nailed...otter grabs the rod when the fish jumps....Steady yells Marlin....Otter said yea, it's a white...I said No, I think it's a Blue one....fish is swiming to the boat when Otter hands the Rod Off to Jeff since he was a billfish virgin and we wanted to throw him in the water...the fish gets about 100 Yards off my stern when he sees the boat...he greyhounded and when he did, there was no doubt what he was....Mr. Blue Marlin is hooked up on still thinkin....We get all the lines clear while he's screaming line off the Penn International 50W and once lines are cleared I send Jeff up to the bow and commence to run the fish down...gotta love a center console...he makes a lot of jumps before he comes to the side of the boat..steady has leader and is pulling the fish up to Bill him and release the fish...I tried to take a picture but it ended up just being Steady's hand on the leader...he was about 2 feet down and went under the boat and broke the leader ....great release on a Blue one for Mr. Captain Fatbeard, who is now calling himself a Professional Marlin Fisherman (PMF).we celebrate our Blue release and finally I get the crew to get lines back out and I decided to change up and put out a Pink Sea Witch (oh no not blue and white)...well of course this gets hammered and is Screaming drag...Otter is on the pole and finally gets the fish turned....10 minutes battles puts a 32 Pound Wahoo in the boat....this is all before 10 o'clock.Spent the rest of the day playing with Whites who kept coming in the spread but just batting my baits around...pulled lines in at 2PM and headed to Fishermans' Wharf for the Citation and ceremonial "Creeking" of Mr. Jeff Brown....Don met us there to enjoy the festivities....Great day and great job to Otter, Steady and Jeff...thanks to Don for coming by the house to drink a couple of beers and he even wanted to get bloody so he cleaned the YFT...here's some shots....Bob


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