Wednesday, July 09, 2008

15 May Rudee Inlet

Well..what can I say...Dave Trax Called me yesterday looking for a ride...I hadn't seen the sat shot yet so I told him I would call him back later....Got home..saw the shot, called work and said let's do it !....rounded up a crew of My Man Stready, Todd Beck, Dave Trax and Andrew....great guys all of em.....we left Rudee at approximately 0415ish and started rolling...beautiful ride out, rolling swells, minimul wind until we hit the hot water at the 220 line in about 300 fathoms...We get a spread out at about 0650 and start trolling north...beautiful water, birds, slicks , all you could ask for.....we got hammered by Football size Blue fin tuna and went 7 for 7 on that round....kept 1 as allowed by NMFS and released the rest.....trolled north....and bam...3 nice Mahi are on...we land all of them and continue on...get to about the 350 line and the temp starts going from 71 to 69 degrees and wam....6 YFT on.....3 anglers get on a rod....Steady is clearning the Planer rod and WAM he gets hit....4 fish hooked up right....I get off the wheel and clear line so we now have 4 tight and anglers are fighting fish....steady gets his fish to the boat and I Leader the fish and steady sticks the rod in the holder and sticks the fish....he's putting his fish in the box and I gaff Andy's fish and get him in the boat....Todd Beck is next up he meets steel and visits Still Think'n fish box....TRAX fish is boatside and on leader and line gets under the boat and pops....ok...3 in the boat.....we regroup and get lines out again and on the shotgun, on the left long.....Trax is on one of the fish and Todd is on the other one.....Trax's fish starts running to the boat and Dave is cranking like crazy...and then the fish turns and his mainline pops....must've got chaffed from one of the other lines....But we work Todd's fish in and get him in the box.....Troll, troll, troll...big ass Mahi hits the left long and steady is on it....get this Mahi in the box and he goes 38.8 pounds....dam nice fish....pulled lines at 1 and headed in....dam great day out there....I feel better now about last week....The fish are definately in the water if we get another chance at's some shots from the day....bob


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