Sunday, July 02, 2006

7/1 report Virginia Beach

Well...we did our first run out of Virginia Beach on a beautiful, calm day. Onboard I had myself, Paul Westrich, Patrick Camacho, Ray Camacho, Tony Deunos, and John Hamilton. We left Owls Creek promptly at 0430AM along with a few other boats. Our first destination was the fingers to get in on a good Blue Fin bite. We had our first blue fin (40 Pounds) in the boat by 0730. We were being covered up with blue fish so we moved over to the Norfolk Canyon and fished there for a few hours with no fish. Pulled lines and headed to Waynes world, on the way we spot a trash back floating and stopped, put a couple of lines in and caught a gaffer Bull dolphin. Stopped and chummed for a few minutes and hooked up with the cow, The Penn spinner broke drag and the fish got off. trolled the area for a while, saw a BLue Marlin sunning himself, did not bit, saw a couple of large sharks, unknown species. tons of turles out there today. pulled lines to head back into the fingers for a little more blue fin action. On the way trolled passed a 2x4 and pulled another Mahi off that. ended the day with 1 Blue Fin, 2 Dolphin and a bunch of blue fish. Had fun with all the In-laws.....until next time....Bob


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