Sunday, April 26, 2009

Blue FIn Tuna 13 April

Got home Easter Sunday from South Carolina and started poking around the internet....Saw a weather window for today with it shutting down for the rest of the week...took a peak at the sat shot and saw some good water arond the 000's and south.....started making the calls..Fatbeard - I gotta get my boat today and I'm going Tog Fishing....okSteady - I'm in Minneapolis...(good reason)Jeff "F" - I'm I'm in Boston (good reason)Don (Skinny) - I've gotta work (his 1 day a year he has to actually - I've gotta work and I'm taking off friday (take this weekend off every year)Todd (Knott Wishn) - Parents are in town (another good reason)Colt (firefighting fisherman) - I'm on the podium tomorrow or I would goVooDoo - Hell yea I'll go...Ok..I need at least one more person so I post on here looking for takers...I have them take the post down after a couple hours cause I didn't wanna have to look through volunteers in the morning.....Ok...Me and Mark (VooDoo).....let's do it...Leave Owls Creek at 0545 to a wind free morning, slick ass calm ride out to the 050 line...find 63 degree water and start trolling ...we came out of Rudee same time as Canyon Express who headed way south as he's moving his boat to OI for the spring hits for a while so we call up Canyon Express who's about 10 - 15 miles south of us and he's into em pretty good.....We pick up lines and head south....find Canyon Express and put lines out....We see a very large school of two tones and head towards the spread goes through the two tones the left long and left short explode....I haven't heard the 50 wides scream like that in a very long time.....Oh no, we've got a double on and there's only two of us...we let the two rods go as Mark and I clear lines.....I had told mark to get the belt out and be ready so he's harnessed up and I'm fighting mine from the time to get belt on at this point.......about an hour later we get marks fish boatside and I leave my rod in the aft Rod holder and go over to get marks fish in the boat....I get on leader as the fish is doing his death circle...I tell mark to unhook the rod, and grab the gaff....Putting the drag down lower in case I loose control of the fish....Mark times it perfect and stick the BFT in the head...I grab the 2nd gaff and stick him....start to lift him over the gunnel but my gaff pulls.....put the steel in his eye and we hoise this big bitch in the boat.....Go back to my rod and work him in...get him on leader and working on getting the hook out..the SOB bit me !...I've got the marks to prove we're trying to remove the hook he rubs up on the side of the boat and breaks off...that's cool....clean release.....AT this point we're frigging done's a little after noon....we're down at the 830 line (78 Nautical miles south of Rudee) and we've got no more fight left in us......Clean up the mess and motor home.....Don and Billable meets us at the fishing center and Don graciously volunteers to clean the fish at my house while Mark and I clean the boat up.....Jeanette serves up some Sashima and Cavichi at the go with our ice cold beers.....I'm just happy to have some Tuna on Still Think'n's on now...!.....I'm sure I'm leaving some stuff out but Mark can fill in...He did a great job on his fish's all good.....


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